Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I shall communicate with you here.

I shall first refute the allegations: I have not boycotted any site and have not been barred from Nipate or RCB. I can log in and post any time and no doubt will.

When I "left" RCB, it was to promote diversity and not kill it. I have constantly encouraged Africans and Kenyans in particular to open and run more discussion sites. There are three paltry sites (Jukwaa, RCB and Nipate) with about 100 active members. That is a disgrace.

Much as I want to pretend that I am not bothered by the recent events at, I have to admit that I function best within a debating environment. I love challenges and can debate the same topic for days. I am a debating animal. But I want it done within the established rules. The rules are made for the sake of protecting the debate and not necessarily stiffling it. So it is sad when a whole board becomes a one one topic or rather one man board.

So I will take a cooling off period during which time I hope there will either be changes or all the parties will sink in to their new roles and relaities and life shall go on.

For those salivating at the prospects of Omollo-bashing at RCB I say: You never know; I could come but then again I could not. It just have to remain a guessing game. I hope this will help calm your bowels.

Lastly, this blog is not being set up to support any politician, ideology or religion. I shall make fun of all politicians who don't clean their act; I shall lambast every nose picking public officer and I will pour cold water on any political party. This blog will be party-less.

I have said previously that I lean towards ODM. I will however not use this site as a propaganda tool for ODM.

Feel free to make comments. I shall try to be tolerant knowing that I am a guy who dishes it out quite often.

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